Should you upgrade your lighting?

Modern technology has brought a huge variety of upgrades to interior lighting since the days of incandescent bulbs. From energy-efficient light bulbs to LED lights, there are more lighting options to choose from today than ever before. However, many older homes still use old incandescent light bulb technology, resulting in worse quality lighting and wasted electricity.

Although many people might prefer old-fashioned classics to modern technology, lighting is one area where modern solutions are undoubtedly better than older lighting products, offering better energy use, more adjustable lighting, and even advantages to the fight against climate change. Here are three reasons why you should consider upgrading the lighting in your home.

Electricity Bill Savings

One of the main reasons why people choose to upgrade their interior lighting is to save money on electricity bills. Traditional incandescent light bulbs function by running an electric current through a tungsten wire, causing the metal to heat up and glow, releasing light. This process, while effective, is extremely inefficient, as most of the electricity is lost as heat. This is why tungsten light bulbs get so warm, to the point where they can actually result in accidental burns if the lightbulb is touched.

Modern light bulbs offer much better energy efficiency, reducing your monthly electricity bill, as well as offering a greater range of options to choose from. Compact fluorescent lamps, or CFLs, are much more efficient at producing light. They work by driving an electric current through a tube containing argon gas and mercury vapor, producing ultraviolet radiation that then illuminates a fluorescent layer, producing visible light.

These bulbs also last about ten times longer than incandescent bulbs, sparing you the labor of having to change the bulbs as frequently and cutting down on waste. Light-emitting diodes, or LEDs, are another modern innovation that only uses around 20-25% of the electricity of a tungsten light bulb and lasts between 15-25 times longer.

Environmental Considerations

Another fantastic reason to update your lighting solutions is in order to protect the environment from excess greenhouse gas emissions. Electricity is produced in a variety of ways, including through renewable energy sources such as hydroelectric or solar energy, but the majority of electricity in the United States is still produced through fossil fuels, mainly petroleum, coal, and natural gas.

These fossil fuels release massive amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that retain heat in the atmosphere, resulting in a wide range of effects on the climate. By using more energy-efficient light sources, you can cut down on the amount of electricity you use, lowering your carbon footprint.

Better Lighting Quality

Finally, upgrading your lighting can simply make your house more enjoyable to live in. Traditional incandescent light bulbs produce a lot of heat, and don’t typically get as bright as more modern lighting solutions. Incandescent bulbs also tend to produce a very warm light that may be uncomfortable for some people to live under.

With modern lighting solutions such as CFLs or LEDs, you can choose much brighter bulbs that don’t heat up a living area, as well as the color and warmth of that light. You can choose cooler light bulbs if you prefer, or warm ambient bulbs for a cozy living space. The options are practically limitless. To learn more about how we here at Grener Electric, LLC, can help you upgrade your home’s lighting, please do not hesitate to contact us today.