What do you look for in a local electrician?

We can answer that in a few words, because we’re active all over the St. Augustine area providing home installations, repairs and design assistance for homes and other properties.

We know that customers want a shop that understands their needs, and a place where they don’t have to worry about who’s coming to their property to work.

We also know that the electrical jobs that we and others are called out for support a household’s quality of life in some key ways. This is part of what’s behind the customer’s specific need for electrical service – it informs scheduling and booking, as well as the final fix and how that goes.

Hot Water

Hot water is a miracle of the 20th century, but it’s now something that we take for granted.

When you want hot water, you want it right now – and the result has to be consistent, whether you’re washing laundry, taking a shower or sitting in a hot tub.

If you’ve ever tried to troubleshoot a hot tub, you’ll know what we’re talking about. Ditto for a water heater where the traditional tank-based design serves an entire household or housing unit. Problems with hot water heaters are often seen as high-priority projects, at least by the customer, if not by the shop as well.

Hot water is one of the neat amenities that is served by well-installed and well-functioning electrical service.

Visual Technology

We also help with positioning and repairing wiring systems that serve the household’s needs in supporting televisions and flatscreen panels around the home.

Some people don’t think of television as a staple commodity of life – but others do, especially people with young children. There is a continual demand for visual stimulation, and on-demand cable and streaming services and that requires integrity in your household’s electrical system.


Here’s another component of your home that’s served by electrical service.

Whether it’s outdoor security lamps, on-site building alarm security systems or anything else that’s oriented toward keeping you and your loved one safe along with your personal possessions, having the right electrical set up is key.

As we work around the St. Augustine area and surrounding vicinity, we talk to customers about what they’re looking for, and we understand the demand for professional services that are quick, easy and effective. Talk to Grener Electric about what you need for your property.